At my local bookstore I was browsing the clearance section when my eyes caught a glimpse of a book about how to be a successful and prosperous businesswoman. Picking it up I was disappointed at the vagueness of its contents, which explained why it was marked down. The truth is, God's word already tells us how to be prosperous and successful.
"This Book of the Law (the Bible) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success." -Joshua 1:8.
Probably not the advice you were expecting? Not sure if this is the approach you would take, or if putting God first changes anything, or that an all powerful and all knowing God can make your way prosperous? I challenge you to try it, to put God first, not like rubbing a Genie’s bottle, but in genuine practice seeking to know who He is and how vast His love is for you. How do I know this is true? This has been my business model since the day I stepped out on a hunch with only change in a jar, trusted God, and prayed.